Friday, March 2, 2012

The Job From Hell: Beginnings

Post interview I head home to much excitement and congratulations though everyone is feeling a little rushed. I guess that's what being an adult is all about.

I spend Wednesday night preparing myself for the real world and reflecting on my last adventurous summer.

My first day was just like the first day of classes used to be. General information giving. No real work getting done! It becomes immediately apparent to me Princess S is a control freak. My cubicle is wall-papered with charts and diagrams explaining all the elements of the company. Hierarchies of people, maps of our locations, etc.

I also get a GIANT binder of what my job will entail. Fixing unemployment problems. According to Princess S, the person in charge of handling unemployment claims before me really screwed the company over. Her husband was employed by the company as well and when he was fired, she did all she could to show the company she wasn't happy with it. She hid unemployment claims, falsely responded to her husbands claim, etc. long story short, when I started, Company E was paying roughly $60,000 a month in unemployment compensation... That's a lot of dough!

Without having to get too much into employment law. Basically I'd be getting the unemployment claims, researching why the person quit or was fired and rightfully appealing the claim if it was not a legitimate reason to collect benefits. Example: If a person is fired for failing a drug test, and the drug test was lawfully administered, they are not eligible for benefits.

Easy enough! Kind of fun sounding! How could this possibly go wrong??