Monday, January 30, 2012

The Job From Hell: The War on Job Boards

As previously mentioned, the summer of 2010 began by saying goodbye to the internship that provided the most amazing experience of my life. I was completely unemployed and as a recent college graduate who lived for summers, I had no real urgency to move on and find a job.

However, I was newly engaged, eager to move out of my parents house and had student loans fast approaching.

I spent the summer days combing the job boards and the summer nights living life up while I still could.

I tried in vain to make sites like monster and career builder my friend. I would submit my resume to at least 10 postings a day! That being said, I only managed one interview using these generic job boards. AND that interview was for a position that wasn't even open. Just something the company actively recruits for to have a reserve of job candidates on file...

It doesn't take a genius to figure out this was going nowhere!

I needed something with a more personable approach. I did the unthinkable... I turned to Craigslist!

SIDE NOTE TO JOB SEEKERS: although Craigslist is crowded with scams, if you have the patience to weed through, this is extremely valuable and worth your time. Aside from the theatre job board I frequent, Craigslist happens to be the only place I've consistently gotten interviews and job offers. My theory is the generally you are emailing someone directly not just getting thrown into some database in the middle of Indonesia.

I digress. Let's just say my fruitless searching was about to take a turn... Little did I know it would inevitably be for the worse.

365. Day 3, 4 and 5. (6 coming later)

I had a crazy wedding sweatshop weekend. So I wasn't on the computer much!

Friday night I started my awesome envelope project! And they started out great... But a little plain. I needed something more but I was exhausted! So, I spent the rest of my night cuddling with the dog...

Saturday I got some super cute ribbon from the dollar store. Unfortunately the dollar store only had enough to cover about 1/4 of the invitations... Which still weren't finished!

Sunday night ended with an invitation cutting party resulting in a mountain of invites on my bed... Sponsored by Homeland!

For some reason, I can't conquer adding pictures through the app yet, so they're all below!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

365. Day 2.

This is my conscious attempt from this day forward to stop chewing on my pens. I have wasted so many great pens with my oral fixation...

The Job From Hell. The Straight Facts.

I have continually referenced my time with Company E and how it really was the job from hell. It been about eight months since I was employed there and not a day goes by where I don't reflect on how glad I am it's a hung of the past. So I've decided to finally document my experience...

The Facts:
•Company E
•My first real, full-time job with a paycheck
•Hours: 8:30-5:30, M-F
•Salary: $12.50/hr
•The commute: 45 minutes on a good day
•Reported to: Director of Administration aka The Owner's Daughter... Princess S.
•Job Title: HR Analyst
•Company size: >600
•Industry: Transportation

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

365 photo challenge!

Starting my own, right here!!

Keeping me company at work...

"Am I laughing or crying?"

For the record I love my best friend. She has been in my life since kindergarten and there is no one in this world I would rather be simultaneous maids of honor with.

That being said, I'm 99% sure I'm drowning. I think a few things are causing this onset stress. Her wedding is under 100 days away and a little over a month before my own. I have a lot that I need to get done for myself but simply no time to do it as most of my time is spent worrying about my MOH responsibilities.

Also, the movie bridesmaids is complete BS, expecting a few 20-Somethings to pay for a nice bridal shower is ridiculous! I'm really worked up over the expense of this particular thing. I don't think anything is within my budget!!

And finally, I'm feeling slightly cheated. I don't want to be selfish but I feel like I'm rushing through all my planning do I can be ready at the drop of a hat for this wedding.

Just one of those days...

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Inappropriate Work Topics

I am an extremely closed off person in general, so most topics are pretty much off the table at work for me. This is partially because I hate listening to other people talk about themselves and partially because I don't trust anyone.

However, I think there are a few topics that should be strictly forbidden around the water cooler (and since I sit right next to it, I hear a lot more than I care to).

1. The fungus you contracted from "either a jungle or a hot tub". If that wasn't wayyy too much information to begin with, please don't show it to anyone.

2. The religion you're practicing, especially if it's demonic. No, I don't want to see your voodoo doll.

3. Any and all weekend activities. If you work in a typical boring office, you can believe you wouldn't recognize half the people you work with during the weekend. Let's keep it that way.

4. Your sex life...

5. Your totally inappropriate crush on a coworker. Especially if the conversation involves leaving your wife for her.

In a perfect world everyone would follow my rules and only talk about tv shows, celebrity gossip and funny things your kids did!

Friday, January 20, 2012

I Am Hamster, Hear Me Roar

I am getting to that point where I'm doing the same things at the same time at work every day! I am stuck on the hamster wheel of life. I was beginning to think I was the only one living life this way until I began close observation of those around me.

My favorite subject to observe is the guy that sits basically catty-corner from me at work. His routine is extremely entertaining to me.

A typical Monday. Test subject arrives at work around 8:48. Reports to his desk, hangs his coat on the back of his chair, and turns on his computer. While his computer starts up, he plays a game on his phone. After he has managed to clock in, he heads to the coffee counter, retrieves a paper towel to blow his nose, much resembling the sound of a foghorn. The time is now approximately 9:10.

He returns to his desk for his breakfast consisting of a 5 hour energy and m&ms. Delicious...

Consumption of this breakfast must be exhausting because from this point until 10:11 he pretends to work while he sleeps. (Didn't he just have a 5 hour energy?) He really has this down to a science. With one hand resting comfortably on his mouse and the other on the keyboard, he bobs in and out of sleep. Truly mastering the foolery, each time he bobs out of sleep he opens one of three windows. Either an email, a research sight or a design project he is working on. My hero... <3

At 10:11, he heads to the bathroom and stays in there for just under an hour. Having no male anatomy I have never followed in to the bathroom so I cannot confirm his activities but I can only assume it is more sleeping.

Once he's done napping in the bathroom, he returns to his desk and hunched over his phone until LUNCH TIME! He always goes out to retrieve his lunch! Then eats at his desk while "working". This charade lasts until 2:00.

At this time every day, he makes a cup of French Vanilla coffee! Quite frankly, I'm not even sure he drinks it because it is followed by more desk sleeping and another hour long trip to the bathroom at 3:00.

Now, at 4:00, one of two things happens. This is either the, "oh crap, I have real work to get done" or the "I haven't done anything all day, why start now". Either working at his desk or, you guessed it, sleeping at his desk!

At 4:57, he hits the bathroom one last time and manages to clock out at 5:00 on the dot every day.

Once I actually saw him falling asleep while clocking out... Who does that?!

My two biggest concerns for his kid... 1. I hope his weekends are more exciting because wow, that's dull.
And 2. How is he still employed???

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The "I can&apos;t stop looking for jobs" disease

I graduated in May of 2009, it's currently January, 2012. Roughly 1000 days have passed between graduation and the present and I can say without hesitation that aside from days when I have been on vacation, I have looked for a job every day!

Immediately following graduation was like the Black Friday hunt for jobs, everyone wanted one and wanted it NOW! It was vicious and cutthroat. Every man for himself. I combed the job boards, I pounded the pavement and in mid-October ended up in a seasonal retail position. Knowing I needed more, I continued to search.

Eventually I scored the most amazing experience of my life... An internship in NYC. While I loved it, truly loved it, 89 dollar a month stipend was not enough to sustain life... The search continued.

In August of 2010 I was hired first real full-time job. So much rejoicing and congratulating yet deep down I knew something was wrong. I knew I was destined for hell with this job. That From the very first day I started at Company E, I was still looking for other employment. Well, my hunch was right, that slightly less than a year of employment with Company E was the worst year of my life. Despite my amazing relationship and life outside of work I was sinking deeper and deeper into depression. I prayed every day that something else ANYTHING else would come along.

Cue Company F. Company F offered me part-time employment with the chance to move into full time. Eager for an escape I took it. And while I was happier, the job search continued to find a way to supplement the income I was now lacking.

Present day: I have been full time with Company F since June. I am happier. The job is better. The environment is better. And even though I wish I made more money ( who doesn't?), I'm not sure how many job offers would look better than this one. Yet every day I am constantly on the job boards. I spend more time on them then I do facebook. I'm beginning to wonder if I've fallen into an endless cycle. Will I every be happy enough with a job to stop looking? Or will the idea of something better constantly take over my life?

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Current Life Status

The Wedding: Less than five months away! The good news is the major stuff is done or in the processor getting done! Phew! The little stuff is I'm various stages of AHHHHHH. But the hardest part has been juggling preparations for my big day with preparations for my very best friends big day. Cue major meltdowns!

Yes, I am the Maid of Honor for a wedding happening in 101 days! (she's mine too). While we are super excited to be sharing this experience together , planning a wedding while receiving constant phone calls and emails regarding bridal showers and bachelorette parties is... Well... Overwhelming!

The Acting: My last "gig" landed me on the stage in a community production of A Christmas Carol. I was constantly busy with rehearsals and performances and I love every minute of it! Next on the slate is waiting out this wedding period to get involved in something else! I do have a scheduled class with a fairly well known actor... Eep! No jinxing!

The Job: Is just that, a job. Neither here nor there, just something I do every day.

Happiness: Despite random stress, I am pretty content. I have a wonderful fiancé, loving friends and family and the potential to have the best year of my life.