Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The hyenas around the water cooler.

I have numerous pet peeves. The way people chew their gum. When someone bites down on the fork instead of just the food. Nail biting. When the toilet paper is under instead of over. But in my recent journey into the real work. The working world, I have discovered a new pet peeve.

I hate work laughs. The thing I hate most about work laughs, is that I am guilty as charged.

I have racked my brain trying to figure out what compels us to cackle and howl in the most uncomfortable way at things that aren't even funny just because we are dressed in suits and dresses gathered around the office watering hole.

Scenario one:
Tom: "Hey Bob, it sure is nice out today."
Bob: (Hyena cackle) "Your got that right Tom."

Scenario two:
Nancy: "Oh shoot, I can't find my contact."
Betty: (Hyena cackle). "Oh my, that is the funniest thing I have heard all day."

No, these scenarios are not exaggerated. This is exactly when the work laugh is used.

I would love to take a stand against the work laugh. Protest. Have a sit in. Just stop faking the humor. But I know the work laugh is uncontrollable. It is a serious epidemic.

It reminds me of the episode of friends with Chandler's work laugh.

Not the exact episode. But still hysterical and still FAKE!

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