Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Inappropriate Work Topics

I am an extremely closed off person in general, so most topics are pretty much off the table at work for me. This is partially because I hate listening to other people talk about themselves and partially because I don't trust anyone.

However, I think there are a few topics that should be strictly forbidden around the water cooler (and since I sit right next to it, I hear a lot more than I care to).

1. The fungus you contracted from "either a jungle or a hot tub". If that wasn't wayyy too much information to begin with, please don't show it to anyone.

2. The religion you're practicing, especially if it's demonic. No, I don't want to see your voodoo doll.

3. Any and all weekend activities. If you work in a typical boring office, you can believe you wouldn't recognize half the people you work with during the weekend. Let's keep it that way.

4. Your sex life...

5. Your totally inappropriate crush on a coworker. Especially if the conversation involves leaving your wife for her.

In a perfect world everyone would follow my rules and only talk about tv shows, celebrity gossip and funny things your kids did!

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